Everything Has a Cost. Even Peace. - PaliRoots

Everything Has a Cost. Even Peace.

The idea of achieving World Peace has always been an idea that is floated around through time.

How can you define World Peace?

Does Peace prevent innovation?

What is stopping World Peace from coming to fruition?

And the answers to all those questions are unknown, but we all have our theories.There is one theory that has a ton of promise though. That is the INDUSTRIALIZATION of societies. Industrialization or Industrialisation is a pretty vague term. In short, it is the process of social and economic change in favor of mass production…..Though mass production requires large scale manufacturing, which requires machinery, which requires fuel, which requires causing detrimental harm to the environment, which people need to survive.

Everything has a cost.

To go further into its effects, the major changes the Industrialization introduced were….

  • The Factory System
    • New sources of fuel allowed machinery to replace humans.
  • Rise of Capitalism (gross)
    • The means of production were in the hands of wealthy private business owners.
      • Allowing exploitation, wage theft, etc
    • Those less wealthy were treated as pawns in a game.
  • Urbanization
    • Industrialization brought quick urbanization and massive migrations to cities.
    • The changes in farming, the increased need for workers, and the major jump in population all contributed.
    • Cars, machines, homes all depended on fuel.
  • Exploitation of the Working Class
    • Human life starts to be devalued to a degree of which has never been seen before.
    • The human no longer has to be good at tasks. The human only needs to know how to use a machine.
    • People are replaceable.
    • Hiring young kids as labor.
  • Opportunity In Life - Rags to Riches
    • Every person wanted to brag about being the special one who made it.
    • The wealthy would attract workers by promising them a chance at achieving great wealth.
  • Technological Advancement
    • With the industrial revolution, innovation thrived. Technology was making huge leaps and bounds.
    • But to achieve quick innovation, you sacrifice people, environment, and morals.
  • Rise of Socialism and Marxism
    • Exploitation by the few wealthy led to the growth of a certain political ideology which favored the working class.
    • The means of production would be in the hands of the people, not the wealthy minority.
  • Transfer of Wealth and Power to the West
    • The dominant economies had been China and India, but were soon overpowered by Western European countries.
      • Specifically India and Britain with their substantial history. (Britain colonizing yet another country)
  • Pollution and Effects on the Climate
    • The new sources of fuel were coal, oil, and natural gas. All of which have major impacts on the environment.
    • All across the world, people have been affected by the rise in global temperature causing mass migration, less surplus of food, and minute resources. Death follows.
  • Greed
    • With Industrialization, it became easier to become greedy.
    • Control and Power offered you more money.
    • A person's desires could be answered with a little sacrifice from other people.

“Initially, Industrialization and the Industrial Revolution were a solution; not a problem. A solution to laissez-faire or free market capitalism (no government intervention). Within the free market, each company makes choices that they find to best fit their needs. Resulting, mostly, in the unemployment of the elderly, disabled, and the young. So for a short time, people were hopeful. But because supply and demand continue to increase that hopefulness fell and people could not keep up. Frankly, people still cannot keep up.”

I could go down a list of all the issues affecting the world today, but that would definitely go over my word limit. But to name a few:

  • Climate Crisis
  • Two-Party system.
  • Needing to lookout for oneself. - the government isn't in it for you and so you have to find the means to survive.
  • Haiti and Puerto Rico
  • The working class in the UAE
  • India and Pakistan
  • Racism
  • Israel's quick dominance in the late 20th century and continued oppression
  • Saudi Arabia’s hold on the Yemeni people

Peace, in theory, is that every person in the world lives without hunger and struggle and rather in happiness and freedom. How? The answer will always be unknown because the world is not black and white, World Peace is not an equation to solve. But one step to achieving world peace is recognizing how the current world we live in and past events are preventing us from starting down the path of equal peace. Industrialization being one of those things. It is not exactly a political take but it can be seen as much, because an attack on innovation is an attack on desires. Greed has corrupted the world, and Industrialization was greed manifested.

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About the Author | Majd Nuwarah is a Palestinian-American Actor, Writer, and Knafeh connoisseur. At just 19 years old, Majd has traveled to many different countries where he has been able to experience all kinds of cultures and people, which in turn helped inspire his love for writing and acting. You can follow Majd on Instagram.